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Suite 165, 4611, East Shea Boulevard, Maricopa County, Phoenix, AZ 85028

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Profile of ELI HAMMER, MD

Dr. Hammer began his medical career like most physicians, with passion and excitement during the late 1980’s as a family physician. Unfortunately, medicine had changed dramatically over the next 15 years, as did Dr. Hammer himself. Primary care medicine became a “sickcare” system, instead of a “healthcare” system. Doctors waited for patients to come in with a disease and then determined the “right drug” to treat the problem. Fifteen to twenty patients a day became forty. Time was limited to just a few minutes to spend with each patient and almost no time available to address disease prevention.

Procedures of ELI HAMMER, MD (1)

Procedure Rank in Phoenix Rank in AZ Rank in US
Ranked in Phoenix: 1 Ranked in AZ: 1 Ranked in US: 8
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Suite 165, 4611, East Shea Boulevard, Maricopa County, Phoenix, AZ 85028

Schedule a consultation

Schedule a consultation with ELI HAMMER, MD or share your experience with other patients:

Submit your review Call (602) 765-4690 Schedule online