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Mark Walker, Dr

4.2 5 reviews

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Suite M01, 161, Riverside Drive, Broome County, Binghamton, NY 13905

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Schedule a consultation with Mark Walker, Dr or share your experience with other patients:

Call (607) 729-5085 Schedule online

Profile of Mark Walker, Dr

Dr. Walker participates in continuing education activities on a regular basis with annual national meetings, selected topic regional courses and hospital and satellite conferences. His office staff also participates in continuing education course work on a national and local level. They strive to remain at the cutting edge of the ever changing world of plastic surgery.

Specialty: Plastic Surgery

Education: M.D., 1978, Northwestern University Medical School


  • General Surgery- Hartford Hospital-Univ. of Conn., 1979 to 1983
  • Plastic Surgery- Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical, Boston 1983 to 1985

Procedures of Mark Walker, Dr (15)

Procedure Rank in Binghamton Rank in NY Rank in US
Ranked in Binghamton: 1 Ranked in NY: 38 Ranked in US: 2185
Ranked in Binghamton: Ranked in NY: Ranked in US: 374
Ranked in Binghamton: 1 Ranked in NY: 28 Ranked in US: 1830
Ranked in Binghamton: 1 Ranked in NY: 36 Ranked in US: 2182
Ranked in Binghamton: 1 Ranked in NY: 25 Ranked in US: 1063
Ranked in Binghamton: 1 Ranked in NY: 108 Ranked in US: 1522
Ranked in Binghamton: Ranked in NY: Ranked in US: 2905
Ranked in Binghamton: Ranked in NY: Ranked in US: 2211
Ranked in Binghamton: Ranked in NY: Ranked in US: 2211
Ranked in Binghamton: 1 Ranked in NY: 64 Ranked in US: 2162
Ranked in Binghamton: 1 Ranked in NY: 77 Ranked in US: 1961
Ranked in Binghamton: 1 Ranked in NY: 12 Ranked in US: 1289
Ranked in Binghamton: Ranked in NY: Ranked in US: 1381
Ranked in Binghamton: 1 Ranked in NY: 24 Ranked in US: 267
Ranked in Binghamton: Ranked in NY: Ranked in US: 35
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Mark Walker, Dr

4.2 5 reviews

Suite M01, 161, Riverside Drive, Broome County, Binghamton, NY 13905

Schedule a consultation

Schedule a consultation with Mark Walker, Dr or share your experience with other patients:

Submit your review Call (607) 729-5085 Schedule online