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Dwayne K. Fulks, MD

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1601, Hatcher Lane, Maury County, Columbia, TN 38401

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Call (931) 381-2802

Profile of Dwayne K. Fulks, MD

Dr.  K. Dwayne Fulks was born in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and there he spent many of  his early years. He later moved to  Manchester, Tennessee where he graduated from high school. He graduated from David Lipscomb University  in Nashville, Tennessee in 1981 magna cum laude with a degree in Biology and  Chemistry.

Procedures of Dwayne K. Fulks, MD (11)

Procedure Rank in Columbia Rank in TN Rank in US
Ranked in Columbia: 1 Ranked in TN: 50 Ranked in US: 3415
Ranked in Columbia: 1 Ranked in TN: 56 Ranked in US: 3842
Ranked in Columbia: 1 Ranked in TN: 44 Ranked in US: 2201
Ranked in Columbia: 1 Ranked in TN: 29 Ranked in US: 2261
Ranked in Columbia: 1 Ranked in TN: 37 Ranked in US: 2348
Ranked in Columbia: 1 Ranked in TN: 40 Ranked in US: 1854
Ranked in Columbia: 1 Ranked in TN: 59 Ranked in US: 3912
Ranked in Columbia: 1 Ranked in TN: 52 Ranked in US: 3183
Ranked in Columbia: 1 Ranked in TN: 41 Ranked in US: 2912
Ranked in Columbia: 1 Ranked in TN: 50 Ranked in US: 4655
Ranked in Columbia: 1 Ranked in TN: 23 Ranked in US: 1178
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Dwayne K. Fulks, MD

0 0 reviews

1601, Hatcher Lane, Maury County, Columbia, TN 38401

Schedule a consultation

Schedule a consultation with Dwayne K. Fulks, MD or share your experience with other patients:

Submit your review Call (931) 381-2802