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Jayesh Panchal, Dr

4.5 8 reviews

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2505, South Kelly Avenue, Oklahoma County, Edmond, OK 73013

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Profile of Jayesh Panchal, Dr

Expertise and experience are what patients expect in a plastic surgeon. Dr. Jayesh Panchal has been a plastic surgeon since 1997 and has been in private practice in Edmond since 2005. He was previously on the faculty and the Chief of Plastic Surgery at the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center from 2003-2005. He has years of training and certification, has received national and international acclaim and is a pioneer in the field.

Just as important are the qualities that go beyond those found on a resume: discretion, gentleness, trustworthiness, personality, friendliness and listening skills.

Dr. Panchal is passionate about helping people gain their self-confidence and their self image, so they can live life in a normal, happier way. A portion of his practice involves small children and correcting birth defects or complications from rare diseases. The compassion he demonstrated to the little ones and to the parents transcends into his adult practice now.

Procedures of Jayesh Panchal, Dr (11)

Procedure Rank in Edmond Rank in OK Rank in US
Ranked in Edmond: 1 Ranked in OK: 3 Ranked in US: 1577
Ranked in Edmond: 2 Ranked in OK: 4 Ranked in US: 1574
Ranked in Edmond: 1 Ranked in OK: 4 Ranked in US: 1092
Ranked in Edmond: 2 Ranked in OK: 4 Ranked in US: 1229
Ranked in Edmond: 1 Ranked in OK: 2 Ranked in US: 350
Ranked in Edmond: 2 Ranked in OK: 6 Ranked in US: 1524
Ranked in Edmond: 2 Ranked in OK: 5 Ranked in US: 1383
Ranked in Edmond: 1 Ranked in OK: 5 Ranked in US: 598
Ranked in Edmond: 1 Ranked in OK: 2 Ranked in US: 185
Ranked in Edmond: 1 Ranked in OK: 1 Ranked in US: 169
Ranked in Edmond: 2 Ranked in OK: 3 Ranked in US: 1040
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Jayesh Panchal, Dr

4.5 8 reviews

2505, South Kelly Avenue, Oklahoma County, Edmond, OK 73013

Schedule a consultation

Schedule a consultation with Jayesh Panchal, Dr or share your experience with other patients:

Submit your review Call (405) 340-9949 Schedule online