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Scott K Sullivan, Dr

3.7 8 reviews

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1717, Saint Charles Avenue, Orleans Parish, New Orleans, LA 70130

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Call (504) 608-4821

Profile of Scott K Sullivan, Dr

Scott K. Sullivan, MD, FACS, is a founding partner of the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery (CRBS) and the St. Charles Surgical Hospital, the only hospital in the world dedicated to breast reconstruction for women facing breast cancer. Dr. Sullivan is one of the most sought-after breast reconstructive microsurgeons in the world. Having performed thousands of reconstructive surgeries since the inception of the CRBS in 2003, Dr. Sullivan and his partners at the CRBS lead the way in landmark breast reconstruction techniques utilizing the body’s own tissue. Because of their expertise in the field of reconstructive microsurgery, his practice is the referring destination for the most complex reconstructive challenges.

Dr. Sullivan received his undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering from Tulane University. He is a graduate of Louisiana State University Health Science Center, where he also completed his residencies in both General Surgery and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Shortly after completion he decided to dedicate his professional career to the advancement and innovation of techniques in the field of microsurgical breast reconstruction and co-founded the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery. He is on the Board of Advisors for Tulane University School of Science and Engineering, a board member of BioAesthetics Corporation, and serves as a member of the Professional Advisory Board for where he has made editorial contributions. Dr. Sullivan is also an honorary board member of the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure and a board member of You Night. He has numerous publications to his credit, with particular emphasis on the newest methods of breast reconstruction, and he has lectured on the same subject. The American Cancer Society has named Dr. Sullivan a Spirit Award Honoree for going above and beyond in the fight against cancer, and he was honored with the Support Angel of the Year award from Susan G. Komen New Orleans. For the last six consecutive years, he was named one of the “Best Doctors in America.”

Procedures of Scott K Sullivan, Dr (12)

Procedure Rank in New Orleans Rank in LA Rank in US
Ranked in New Orleans: 8 Ranked in LA: 40 Ranked in US: 2119
Ranked in New Orleans: 8 Ranked in LA: 45 Ranked in US: 2314
Ranked in New Orleans: 7 Ranked in LA: 5 Ranked in US: 1428
Ranked in New Orleans: 7 Ranked in LA: 21 Ranked in US: 1250
Ranked in New Orleans: 3 Ranked in LA: 5 Ranked in US: 141
Ranked in New Orleans: 4 Ranked in LA: 6 Ranked in US: 153
Ranked in New Orleans: 7 Ranked in LA: 7 Ranked in US: 11
Ranked in New Orleans: 8 Ranked in LA: 40 Ranked in US: 2119
Ranked in New Orleans: 1 Ranked in LA: 1 Ranked in US: 48
Ranked in New Orleans: 3 Ranked in LA: 5 Ranked in US: 56
Ranked in New Orleans: 2 Ranked in LA: 3 Ranked in US: 144
Ranked in New Orleans: 3 Ranked in LA: 5 Ranked in US: 349
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Scott K Sullivan, Dr

3.7 8 reviews

1717, Saint Charles Avenue, Orleans Parish, New Orleans, LA 70130

Schedule a consultation

Schedule a consultation with Scott K Sullivan, Dr or share your experience with other patients:

Submit your review Call (504) 608-4821