Arash Moradzadeh, Dr


Oct 22, 2024

It has been a little over a year since Dr. Moradzadeh conducted my procedure. First, and foremost, I just want to say thank you. He changed my life. For many years, I struggled with severe migraine headaches & unsightly bulging arteries in my temples. I struggled with confidence for several years, and it also caused significant pain.

It’s not a common procedure, but Dr. Moradzadeh was willing to take on the challenge. Unfortunately, insurance wouldn’t cover the surgery, and I had to pay out-of-pocket. We initially decided to try general anesthesia, but it was unsuccessful. Now, most doctors would have charged to try again, but he was understanding and told me I only had to pay for the operating room and what I already paid would be applied.

He must have seen my pain when I came in because he commented, “I can tell how much this bothers you.” In true doctor fashion, he was empathetic to my situation. My life has been changed. Not only has my confidence been restored, but I haven’t had a single migraine since the surgery. I struggled for 10 years daily migraines. As you can imagine, that can drive your mind to dark thoughts living in constant pain.

I am forever grateful for his work and would highly suggest his services to anyone seeking surgery. You can trust Dr. Moradzadeh.

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