Arash Moradzadeh, Dr


Oct 22, 2024

Beware, he will try to pull a fast one on you. My friend and I went into see him and I was sitting in the room during her consultation and she said she wanted to do a half a syringe per side. He put one syringe on one side and then said oh I thought you wanted one on each side. She was very specific about splitting the syringe and so he said well if you don't do another one you going to be lopsided. So she ended up having to pay double. And then to top it off she didn't look anything different at all even after a month. Had we not gone in there and raised a fuss, she would've been out a lot of money with no results. So he added another syringe full after I called him on his shaddy behavior. I was a witness to this whole maneuver and I've heard about doctors who pull this, but now I've seen it firsthand. Bottom line is I hope my friend is a little happier now even though she struggling with the over amount he charged her. I just would never recommend anyone to go see him. But at least in the end he did the right thing

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