Evan Ransom, MD


May 18, 2024

Dr Evan Ransom is a Perfect 10 Doctor in my opinion, here's my story.

I had previously chosen a sub par surgeon because of a cheaper price. What was the logic behind going to a cheaper surgeon? The logic was if I the surgical results weren't what I expected (which after my research, seems to happen a lot), I can recover to pay for a second one. Two shots are better than one. But that's what happened, two rhinoplasties with poor results. I was frustrated and not feeling optimistic but then I decided I'll give it one last try, but I had to do the research and carefully choose the right surgeon.

What made me want to have my surgery done by Dr. Ransom was because of two reasons. First, a review I read from a previous patient of his stating they wanted something extreme done with their nose. Dr. Evan Ransom being the quality surgeon he is and knowing that a surgeon should never take a risk on something as serious as persons face, did a more conservative version of what the patient wanted but did not do the extreme alterations the person was willing to take. After this patients surgery, the person stated that their nose looked good and there was an improvement but did not get the extreme change they were hoping for. The person admitted what they wanted could've been a risk, for them looking terrible, but it was a risk they were willing to take. This review actually gave me ease because I'm an extreme person that takes risks. I'm a person who is willing to do something extreme for a maximum reward, even though there is a chance of an extreme downside, and it's good to have a professional to protect you from yourself.

Second thing that steered me to do my procedure with Dr. Ransom was when I came into see him for a consultation. He instantly saw what I thought was wrong with my nose and knew what to do to fix it.... which doesn't seem like a big deal. But then after the consultation, I went to another well reviewed SF facial plastic surgeon to get a second opinion (which you should do if you are going to spend this amount of money) and the doctor (who I will not name) said he could not see what I was talking about, said I maybe delusional, and after I pointed out the issues with my nose, and him finally admitting he can "sort of" see it, said what I wanted could not be surgically done. Wow. I greatly appreciate Dr. Ransoms skilled surgical eyes which apparently is not guaranteed by even other talented surgeons. So both these things; a keen eye for the little details and protecting the patient from taking extreme risks is why I chose to do my revision rhinoplasty with him.

In terms of the surgery, I finally got what I wanted! Dr. Ransom finally gave me the nose I envisioned since I was in my early teens. After two botched rhinoplasties, I'm finally satisfied with my nose. I'm truly grateful for his skills as a facial plastic surgeon, and, after knowing him on a personal level, he's a great person too. He really cares about his patients.

*Pic is 7 months post revision rhinoplasty (right side)

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