Myra Danish, MD,FACS


May 20, 2024

The TRUTH about Dr. Danish

I've been a patient of Dr. Danish for 20 years - and I can't believe the ridiculous 2 posts by "Liz" (the ONLY 2 bad reviews were from 1 crazy lady!). I've also worked as a consultant for numerous plastic surgeons, so I know how to evaluate a doctor. She is gentle and focused, careful to know each patient and their needs / wants. I've had a mini lift, laser treatments and many injectable treatments, and ALWAYS get great, natural results. My husband (who doesn't believe in plastic surgery) actually THANKED ME for taking such good care of my face, and is thinking about an eyelid lift. She never pressures people - her schedule is full and she doesn't need to push anyone. Her work is subtle and natural. Perhaps Liz was looking for a miracle in the form of a mini lift. All I know is - she has been taking great care of me from my 40's now into my 60s and I hope other people know better than to listen to that one bad apple. Dr. Danish is a gifted surgeon and a wonderful caring person. I wish there were more practitioners like her!
