Frederick J. Menick, Dr


Oct 23, 2024

I was recently one of dr.menicks patients, had a really bad dog attack to my nose which caused it to completely fall off. I picked up my nose and they rushed me to the hospital. got it resowed the first night. The skin died and turned black. Tried to get surgery done from a surgeon that didn’t know what he was doing but didn’t want to tell me the trust. So ended up getting a forehead flap done by a surgeon in Minneapolis Minnesota. COMPLETELY messed it up. I wore a bandaid on my nose for a whole year and a half until me and my mom got a second opinion from this other doctor he recommended we go out of state to dr.menick. We flew to Arizona and dr.menick knew what he was doing he had many books of his before and after work and I almost cried I knew I was in good hands. FINALLY. The 2 ladies that work there are the sweetest most caring people you’ll meet. So anyway he told me I needed an expander in my forehead for anyone that does not know what that is. It’s basically a huge bag that goes under my skin to stretch it. Not to mention i got injections to make it bigger every week and ended up looking like I had a huge football in my forehead. Then I had to get another forehead flap and I didn’t have enough skin so that’s why they needed to stretch my skin. Then when I finally got it cut off. I can’t even describe in words how relieved I felt. I finally felt pretty again. It was such a long process but I COULD NOT have done it without him. He’s the sweetest man he’s very caring definitely knows what he’s doing! He has helped so many people that have a very inspiring story. And honestly he became the grandpa I never had. I highly recommend if you’ve gone though something tough like I did to go to him. He has a huge heart for the people that actually have experienced something serious in there life. literally saved my life That’s for sure. I was in a really bad spot and didn’t know what to do anymore. I bet I would be going through a 3rd forehead flap at this point if he never fixed me. I’m so beyond grateful for him. he’s the best thing that happened to me though this tough time. Not to mention I dropped out of school for all of this. So it’s been hard but I only got through it because I trusted him even when it was so so hard for me to. I love that whole entire office and I absolutely recommend him to anyone that needs him.

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