Pierre Michaud, Dr


Oct 23, 2024

Dr. Michaud is the epitome of a god complex. He may be an "artist" in the world of plastic surgery but he is a complete incompetent when things go wrong and you need a REAL doctor! He is undeserving of the word “Doctor”.
Rather than bore you with a very, lengthy, descriptive, negative experience I will bullet out key points of my breast reduction experience with him:
• Doesn’t prescribe the standard chlorhexidine soap prior to surgery (when questioned about “why”, his office said it’s because it may cause redness or irritation)
• For 2 weeks following surgery he dismissed my vocalized concerns about symptoms I was having that are warning signs of infection. This resulted in me developing a MAJOR staph infection internally and urgent admission to the hospital for 2nd surgery to clear out the infection
• Insisted on releasing me from the hospital when both I and the nurses who cared for me all weekend felt I was in no condition to be released. Got upset with me and argued with my husband over it.
• Refused to extend my Rx for antibiotics when I clearly still had active infection. I saw my PCP who got me in urgently to see an infectious disease specialist – they DISAGREED completely with Dr. Michaud and extended my Rx for additional 2 weeks until infection was completely cleared up.
• In a nutshell, superiority complex, condescending and confrontational when things don’t go perfectly or you question something. It’s VERY telling when you can’t let your other physicians reach out to collaborate with him because you are fearful of the resulting repercussions in the care you will receive from him.

RUN… Don’t walk….and find yourself another plastic surgeon. Someone who has the expertise to get you back to healthy if things go wrong.

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