Tal Dagan, Dr


Oct 18, 2024

I was referred by a really good neurologist, so I am surprised to have had a bad experience here. The "Dr." (quack) dismissed all of my concerns, insulted my intelligence over and over, and refused to evaluate me at first. He said that the ENT area can't be affected by my head injury (a lie), and only evaluated me after I corrected him and insisted. He seems misogynistic or something. Probably disorganized as well, considering that he did not even know the reason for my visit despite the fact that I was referred, and answered a whole questionnaire with the intake staff. And he had no idea why I was so irritated. A gaslighter too. He even managed to spin not wanting to do his job to sound like a pep talk at the end. A wordsmith, I'll give him that - which by the way, a real doctor should be able to access medical records, and receive records from other doctors. So expecting the patient to do all the leg work with that is definitely new to me. Perhaps I should've known not to come to a doctor that identifies as a plastic surgeon for this issue.

I would also be wary about shady billing practices. I've never experienced a "Dr." that requires patients to provide credit card info for extra fees (when they have insurance). Unfortunately, I was not surprised when I was prompted to sign an acknowledgement for the receipt of the notice of privacy practices even though they didn't provide the notice (lots of offices do that).

I think it's very important for everyone (especially those from marginalized groups) to educate themselves about their Healthcare so that they don't fall victim to doctors that take advantage of their position to mislead patients about their condition (they get paid more for certain procedures). It's always good to get different opinions.

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