Douglas Sidle, MD


Sep 22, 2024

Dishonest provider Sidle

Dishonest provider! I first went to Sidle wanting to get a surgery to fix my deviated septum. I was always happy with the front profile of my nose for the most part, but I never really liked the side profile so while I was at it I decided to get a small 1-2mm bump shaved down as well as a minor reduction in the size of the tip. I figured hey, these are some small changes, I'm paying a ton of money for a surgeon at a reputable hospital, and I've seen people get cheap rhinoplasties go from horrid looking noses to beautiful noses so I'm sure nothing bad could happen. I was wrong. Biggest regret of my life.

One thing that really set off a red flag was without asking for my permission, he told me he tried a new technique on me after the surgery. He also told me he "straightened" my nose with extended spreader grafts which was something I never asked for. While I was pissed at the time turns out that's the least of my concerns.

As my nose healed from the surgery, it started looking droopy and my breathing which was the reason I went into him in the first place, was much worse than when I started. I told him and he offered to do a revision for free, and when I asked him about the process he said it would be while I was awake. That kind of set off red flags because I've never heard of anyone getting any kind of nose work done while awake but he assured me it was normal and that he does many revisions (which should have also been a red flag) that way. When the surgery was over, it did look less droopy but now I had a huge dent on the side of my nose, a huge swelling on the inside that completely blocked my breathing in one nostril, as he aggressively expanded valves, and a huge dent on the tip. Plus it just looks asymmetrical when you compare both side profiles. When I asked him about it, he said that the swelling blocking my breathing could just be an infection and the bumps and dents will go away and if not to come back to him and he will fix it easily. Now that I have entered the medical field myself looking back I am realizing how little his explanations made sense. I mean if there is an infection why didn't he give me antibiotics? Why didn't he have any concern for it spreading? How would an infection to the point of inflammation go away by itself with no medication? Either he was bullshitting about the infection thing to shut me up or he is grossly incompetent. I'm thinking it was the former because he seems smart enough.

None of these things resolved on their own, so I saw him again and what really alarmed me this time was how he completely changed his stories. He said the dent must have been there all along (no it wasn't) and he changed his story about the swelling from being a possible infection to denying he ever said that and saying it was scaring. He offered to fix just the scarring on the inside of my nose (said he could do nothing about the bump and dent) and I scheduled it, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that with all these red flags I'd be an idiot to let him touch my nose a third time and make things even worse so I backed out last minute. I'd rather spend another 10,000 then let him touch it again.

I never felt self-conscious about my nose before the surgery except from the side, and ever since he touched it, now I have these annoying flaws that do make me feel self-conscious and it sucks. My nose doesn't even look like the initial imaging we came up with when I described what I wanted and it does not look as feminine as my original nose. Plus my breathing is much worse than I started and I can't feel the tip of my nose anymore. My nose is by no means hideous thank god, but I'm pissed because I just wanted very minor changes to fix some minor flaws and my nose looks worse than what I went in with which means I wasted my money and my time with not one but two procedures.

The reason I am writing this review now after a couple of years is because 1) its finally fully healed and the issues I had with it are still here 2) I now have to spend another 10,000 on a revision and take off from school again just because of these dents and bumps all over the place that are making me self conscious and most importantly to take care of my breathing going to shit after this surgery, 3) tbh,I didn't want people knowing I got a rhinoplasty so I was hesitant to write this review.

This time after meticulously interviewing several top surgeons to do my revision they all agreed the work was sloppy and there are definitely things that need to be fixed, so it's not just me being overdramatic. Lesson I learned is never let a surgeon touch your nose for very minor things especially if you were never self-conscious about it before because they have no accountability for how it turns out or for wasting your time and money. See Jennifer's review below, her experience was very similar to mine. Also,all the people who talked about him bullshitting you when things go wrong aka "infection".

Kathy E.