Joseph Spera, DMD


Sep 21, 2024

Medicaid is a government program for low income families who can not afford dental care, I was referred out to this office because I needed my impacted wisdom teeth extracted, my dentist told me they were growing in sideways and could cause damage to the roots of my teeth and they needed to come out ASAP.
Dr. Spera’s office told me multiple times I was active with Medicaid insurance so I had the procedure done , and then months after my procedure they started billing me saying that I was not active I was 19 when this all happened and of course was naïve to the situation.. they started threatening me with collection agencies so I decided to make payments trying to mend the situation and take care of my bills.
I later contacted Medicaid and they confirmed that I was active during this time and informed me that providers ARE NOT supposed to bill Medicaid/low income patients per state regulations and the office should be refunding the payments made since I should have NEVER been billed. The office staff is very rude and clearly has never worked in customer service.. I have always been nice to the staff and tried to work with them in this matter. Instead of communicating like professional people they get snippy & have an attitude which does not help the situation if we all have to work together and communicate. Medicaid had been trying to work with this office for MONTHS to get this claim paid and the office knows that .. and I myself have been trying to get a hold of someone for months in the office to communicate the situation and was always told Michelle financial coordinator or the Kelly the manager weren’t in office.. I left multiple messages and NEVER got a call back and was left in the dark. I finally got a hold of the office manager by using a fake name but once she realized who I was she became very rude. She told me that she is waiting to hear back from Medicaid, I asked her about refunding the payments made and she told me “well the bill has been sent to collections”. I was so confused, i asked her if medicaid does pay who will they pay , the office manager said i could always just contact the office
because both Michelle and herself know my case. This is so unreal! I have been leaving voice messages and writing emails to them to communicate the situation and have been COMPLETELY IGNORED and the fact that they knew Medicaid was working with them and still went ahead and sent the bill to collections without letting me know first is completely unacceptable.. Even though I know they are fraudulently billing me I would have resumed my payments to the office before it got to this point , if they could have only communicated with me first this could have all been avoided. Now I have to worry about this affecting the credit I tried so hard to keep in good condition.. I am deeply disturbed by this situation and the lack of compassion coming from this office… they sent my bill to collections even though 1.) I was ACTIVE with Medicaid 2.)They aren’t supposed to bill Medicaid patients 3.) Medicaid is trying to work with them to get the bill paid and 4.) I contacted them and never received any calls back. I am posting this so you are all of aware of how unprofessional this office is! I’m sure I am not the only one this has happened to , and it’s a shame that they are taking advantage of their low income patients , I am posting this to hopefully help anyone out. I would never want someone to go through what I am going through!

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