Scott Sackman D, Dr


Sep 21, 2024

Last I heard Dr Sackman had lost privileges at all the area hospitals so (assuming that is true) then take that with whatever caution you feel is warranted. To me, it would mean he is unable to work with other doctors and cannot appropriately provide complete care.

My personal experience with this doctor is quite extensive, and spans ~two decades. At one point I felt he was abrasive but a good medical doctor so worth putting up with his poor manner. However, after he teated me for years for a brain injury only to then abruptly tell me - in writing - that he was unqualified and never should have been treating me ... well, to say I lost all confidence and respect for him is being kind. Luckily, I found a qualified doctor who essentially told me all of Sackman's advice was wrong (and I'm now feeling great, thanks for asking).

That Sackman tries to operate a cosmetic practice out of a dingy, smelly, and outdated office (in my opinion, I suppose others may feel differently) should be more than enough warning to steer clear of him for anything non-medically necessary. I personally certainly would not trust him to make aesthetic choices that impact my body given his lack of concern with the appearance of his business.

Addition after Dr. Sackman replied: I see he hasn’t changed and still believes if he says it enough he’ll wish it true. The office is in my opinion quite substandard to any other medical, spa, even plumbing supply back office I’ve ever been in. I saw Sackman himself “repairing” loose carpet with a massive exposed bead of caulk, right in front of his reception desk. That’s not someone whose judgement I’d trust cosmetically.

As far as “voluntarily” giving up admitting privileges, if you consider this doctor for any reason you might want to give an area hospital a call and educate yourself as to why privileges matter, particularly for a surgeon.

Personally, in an area with so many options I will always opt for a doctor that works well with others and who uses modern electronic records, has privileges, and is part of a large network. Personally I’ve been to 5 specialists in the past few months and the integrated care and extensive electronic records and correspondence is worlds above my experience with Sackman and his scribbled notes where he didn’t seem to recall past visits properly.

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