Robert Schwartz, Dr


Sep 22, 2024


UPDATE 7-10-24 - WOW just wow, you have the audacity to respond to my review but couldn't pick up the phone to call me when I was your patient or even check on me. Unbelievable, my face has been disfigured and this is what you do months later. Wow just wow. Both surgeons and my optometrist didn't criticize, they simply told me the truth instead of lying to me about my post-op diagnoses like Schwartz did. People need to be informed because choosing a plastic surgeon is a serious decision. Outcomes like mine are devastating and have become debilitating for my life. I don't want anyone else to experience what I did. Perhaps Schwartz was once a good surgeon, but he may now be too old to practice. Do you people not understand my life has been ruined; I have been permanently disfigured on my FACE. It didn't happen to you, so you don't care. Schwartz was wrong for not telling me what was really going and just saying everything was normal. I'm shocked you can continue to harass a patient like this after my life was permanently scared. Schwartz doesn't want people to know what he did to me and refuses to take accountability or responsibility, just to protect his reputation. END

Avoid this surgeon at all costs. I deeply regret allowing Dr. Schwartz to perform a facelift and lower blepharoplasty on me. From the moment I woke up, I knew something was terribly wrong with my eye. Despite my concerns, Dr. Schwartz dismissed it as normal post-op issues. He arrogantly insisted that he'd never encountered such problems in his 25-year career, yet suddenly claimed expertise when confronted with my complication.

Repeated visits to Dr. Schwartz only led to further frustration as he attempted to downplay the severity of my situation. Furthermore, Dr. Schwartz dismissively brushed aside the unsightly scar he left beneath my eye, insisting it would fade with time. However, his reassurances offered little solace as the scar remained a glaring reminder of his subpar workmanship. Unbeknownst to him, I sought second opinions from two different specialized oculoplastic surgeons, who diagnosed me with ectropion and lower lid retraction—serious conditions that Dr. Schwartz failed to recognize or knew and chose not to tell me. I have chosen one ocuploplastic surgeon to work with moving forward. The oculoplastic surgeon, upon examining my scar, expressed uncertainty about the possibility of corrective measures due to Dr. Schwartz's excessive removal of skin. This limitation casts doubt on the effectiveness of further intervention. Instead, the surgeon recommended the use of scar cream as a potential means of mitigating of its appearance. The oculoplastic surgeon unequivocally confirmed that the outcome of Dr. Schwartz's work was indeed unfortunate.

The road to recovery has been harrowing. I face daily discomfort, eye infections, and need corrective surgery, which comes at an additional financial and emotional cost. My life has been upended, confined to bed rest and doctor's appointments. I never leave my home. The toll on my physical and mental well-being is immeasurable.

It's worth mentioning that my facial symmetry has been compromised as well, evident in the asymmetry of my ears and hairline. This discrepancy stems from Dr. Schwartz's careless approach to suturing and reconstructing these areas.

Dr. Schwartz's negligence has left me disfigured and traumatized. My face bears the scars of his incompetence, a stark reminder of the dangers lurking beneath his veneer of experience. I implore anyone considering surgery to steer clear of Dr. Schwartz and his outdated practices. Retirement can't come soon enough for him, before more lives are irreparably damaged.

I've been undergoing plastic surgery since I turned 18, but after this experience, I've decided to never do it again.

On a last note, I’m inclined to wager that a significant portion of these reviews has been bought. It's simply implausible to me that such a large number of people genuinely share positive sentiments without some form of compensation involved.

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