Matthew White, Dr


Sep 19, 2024

I came to Dr. White with a severely deviated septum (twisted in random directions and completely blocking one side of my nose), fractured nose, collapsed nasal valve on one side, and swollen turbinates - all of which I had been dealing with my entire life. He fixed all of those problems in a single surgery where I experienced near zero side effects (no pain, no bruising, no loss of feeling, etc - just congestion much like a cold and minimal swelling compared to what I was dealing with before surgery). Today was my followup appointment and I went to see him to get the splints + cast taken out. I can't stress this enough: even though my nose is still slightly swollen from surgery and I can feel the bones are still healing, from the outside it looks like zero work has been done, and for the first time in my life I can breathe out of both nostrils and the pressure/full feeling in my sinuses is completely gone. Overall, it's clear to me that Dr. White is an extremely skilled surgeon and I'm glad I trusted my gut and went with him to do this kind of reconstructive procedure. I should note that before talking to Dr. White, I consulted with 3-4 other surgeons in NYC and all of them came across as straight up incompetent and many had poor bedside manner, even highly recommended ones from coworkers. Dr. White was the *only* surgeon that I spoke with where I could tell knew what he was doing and had a clear plan on how to fix my nose. Others used phrases like "maybe we'll do this thing when we start operating, maybe this other one" "I hope I don't have to add stitches here, wouldn't want the nose to collapse, hope it doesn't..." "ugh! oh wow, your nose is the worst I've seen!" but Dr. White simply stated his plan of action without hesitation, noted that he had seen noses like mine many times before, and did the surgery flawlessly as far as I can tell. I also appreciate that he personally called my mom after my surgery was complete and called me to check up on me the day after surgery. This is the type of surgeon I respect and I would not go to anyone else if you're having any kind of nasal surgery.

I'll update my review in a few months to note if anything has changed, but for now he deserves the highest possible recommendation

Update after a few months: swelling is 99.99% gone, voice is clearer, breathing is much improved. It's definitely not perfect but I went from 0% (nose was truly completely blocked) to 80% I'd say and it's quite a big difference. I haven't had any complications at all and would still highly recommend going with Dr. White.

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