Matthew White, Dr


Sep 19, 2024

I am now almost 3 years post surgery with Dr. White. He performed reconstruction of my nose following Moh’s removal of a basal cell carcinoma. Let me start by saying that the removal of my carcinoma was serious business: they removed a large portion of my nose and I was truly terrified that I would never look “normal” again.

As soon as I met Dr. White and his nurse Soledad, I knew that if anyone could save my looks, it was them. Dr. White spent a good 30 mins just figuring out his strategy…he considered various approaches until he finally said “Got it! I got it.” From there, he and Soledad worked on me for almost 3 hours. I will admit that I was so nervous that I was trembling uncontrollably in the chair…and as soon as he realized it, he started joking around with me. I’m not sure how I went from uncontrollable trembling to laughing heartily as this man performed surgery on my FACE, but there you have it - he has, by far, the best bedside manner I have ever experienced in any physician. He is just a nice, kind, amiable guy who puts his patients at ease with a combination of gentleness, humor, and serious competence. And the jokes he trades with Soledad are pretty disarming, too. They are a really funny team! And Soledad is a doll: she is so gentle and sweet, and really knows what she is doing.

Almost 3 years later, the results speak for themselves. I can see a small scar, but it is very faint and definitely hard to notice. With a little foundation and powder, it’s barely perceptible…and I’ve had (honest) people tell me it’s not noticeable at all unless you’re looking for it. Honestly, given the state of my nose when I sat down in his chair, it’s a miracle that it looks as good as it does.

I told Dr. White halfway through surgery, “If men start describing me as having a ‘good personality’, I’m coming back and demanding a refund.” Dr. White, if you’re reading this, I have good news: in the 3 years since I saw you , no man has described me as having a good personality - so rest assured that you did a fantastic job! Thank you, thank you, thank you for saving my nose, my face, and my self-confidence.

Please don’t think twice about going to this doctor. He is the best kind of mensch: a competent one! I am so glad I ended up in his office and not anyone else’s.

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