Leonik Ahumada, MD, FACS


May 18, 2024

As a healthcare professional in the community, I thought I was choosing a practice I could trust. In December 2015, I chose to have a breast augmentation to feel better about myself after having children. I decided to go with Dr. Rogers as my surgeon. I had worked with him professionally in the operating room, and was confident about that decision. I brought pictures and discussed my goals. The day before and the day of surgery, I expressed my concern about the exact size implant I would receive, as those details were never discussed. In response to my concern, I was told, "trust me"....Once things healed and settled, I realized the result was not what I desired nor what we discussed in the consult. I convinced myself otherwise, and for the first 3 months, everything was going fine. With that being said, as an O.R. nurse, no one understands better that complications do happen sometimes with surgery, but that is not what my complaint is about. I began to notice and feel a problem on one side. For over two years of going back and forth for appointments to discuss options, and having a revision surgery which did not fix the problem, I had to walk away. Each and every time I went in for an appointment, I wouldn't sleep for days because of the way I was treated by the staff and the anxiety they caused me. In particular, the medical assistant Donna, treated me extremely poor and showed zero compassion. After Dr. Rogers and I would discuss options and prices to fix the problem, I went home to think about it, being that it was a major decision not to be made on the spot. Once the decision was made, the quotes I received were much higher than discussed at the appointment. I would explain that quote does not match what we agreed upon, and I was told that was the best they would do. I ultimately chose to remove them because the pain and discomfort I was experiencing, and as much as I tried, a reasonable and fair financial agreement could not be made. There is much more to the story, but the end result was me going to another surgeon and starting over financially to fix the problem. The new surgeon immediately identified the problem and made me feel at ease because I could tell he really cared. I ultimately chose to explant. The physical pain, anxiety, depression, and suffering I experienced as a result of choosing Ocala Plastic Surgery is now GONE thanks to me choosing to go to another practice. Over the past two years, I feel I have basically missed out on life as a result of how this problem was handled by them, not to mention the cost of multiple surgeries to ultimately reverse the damage they caused to my body.
I feel that if anyone should have been able to choose "the best", it should have been me. Unfortunately, this was not the case. If I can save one person from going through what I did, then I have done my job. Before making a decision on who to trust with your body, ask around, go to multiple consultations, and do not choose Ocala Plastic Surgery.

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