Carl Soderstrom, MD


Sep 22, 2024

Happy that many of you have had a good experience as it was not the case recently 10/18 with my wife. She had a painful lesion near her sternum, contacted her long time dermatologist in Florida who suggested that she get in and have a biopsy done to help speed up the process when we return to FL for the winter. Upon the recommendation of others and reviews, she felt that she could trust having simple biopsy done to determine the possibility that it may be malignant. Beware of signing a release as it says that they have the right to do basically whatever they determine you need done regardless of what you specifically stated that you were there. My wife was placed on the table and the spot in question was scooped out rather than have a simple biopsy as was requested....and charged $900 for the procedure which they then told her that they did not likely get it all. What??? Patient wife posted her displeasure on a FB page which has been deleted. What??? They will contact you and tell you that you signed a release and then try to appease you with another appointment to see management. Truthfully, I wouldn't let my wife go near there again. Then asked how they could help make it right. My wife suggested that they send our self pay $900 back and that is the last we heard from them. Whammo...FB page where my wife indicated her displeasure was entirely deleted. What??? Go at your own risk...can't say we didn't warn you.

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