Mehdi Mazaheri, MD


Oct 23, 2024

Dr. Mazaheri and his staff, Heidi and Summer are amazing!
As background, I had two children before the age of 20, then gained weight hitting 256 lbs by age 32. I decided It was time, buckled down for 2 yrs and ate right and exercised, and lost about 55 lbs. Yes. Great news. However, I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror without wanting to cry. It literally looked like someone had taken a blow torch to the front of me because of my loose skin and stretch marks.
I went to consult with a different Dr. Regarding the "mommy makeover" who made me feel ashamed the moment I entered the room. I was told this "wasn't a weight loss program" and to lose more weight before coming back. There was no exam, no suggestions, just made me feel like a fool and sent me on my way.
A friend's coworker had treated with Dr. Maz a few months prior and recommended I see him, and I couldn't be happier I found him.
He sat with me for over an hour, listened to my journey and thoughts, did a thorough exam, was very honest, and treated me like a work of art rather then a paycheck. I could feel his passion from that very first meeting, and he was down to earth and funny. No arrogance, just unfiltered honesty. I'm not a small girl, and never will be. He agreed and simply asked me if I was comfortable with my size... Of course not, but this is who I am! ? Post exam, he said I was a candidate. I received my quote the same day from Heidi who is also very welcoming, and scheduled my surgery 3 weeks later.
On surgery day, Dr. Maz came in for a final exam, I jumped on the table in the surgical room, and woke up a few hours later in a recovery room. I was immediately able to get up and walk around the room and use the bathroom, and I was released 24 hours post surgery.
My breasts were amazing from day one and took maybe a week to feel normal. Honestly, I didn't notice any pain, just swelling for a few days. I did a lift only and did not lose any sensation.

Things to mention if you are considering this procedure!
-Walking sucks for about a week because you can't stand straight up. But it's important you do it.
-Drains are the most disgusting... And most painful part of the procedure. A necessary evil... But seriously, by far the worst part of this procedure. I got blood clots and It was horrendous.
-Spanks are required! I went to Ross and picked up one for every day. This is irritating after a while because of an added layer.
-I have a sit down job and high pain tolerance, so took 6 business days off work, then went back to work. I could have used a few more days. I was still walking a little bent over and it wiped me out by the end of the day, so recommend the full two weeks, even if you sit down all day.
-I recommend silicone sheets asap! I got mine from Amazon for like $20 a box but didn't start using them until month 3. They made a difference, and are recommended as soon as the incision seals, so wish I had started sooner.
-From my tummy tuck, I had nerve pain periodically in my abdomen for the first few months. Completely normal and nothing debilitating. I also lost feeling on my stomach about the size of a fist right around my belly button/incision. And when I have an itch, it isn't in the location my head is telling me it is at! Sounds weird, but the nerves are in a different location so your brain is telling you one thing, and it's not right! All of this improves over time, but I am now 1yr post up this month and will probably see little improvement going forward. Anyone who had a C-section experiences the same thing, so again, completely normal.

I waited a full year to right a review because the end result is what matters to me. Yes, the drains suck, spanks get irritating... It's a lot of money! But if I had the choice... I would do this procedure ten more times and chose Dr Maz every time! I went from a size 16 to a size 10 in this last year and got my confidence back! I only regret not doing it earlier.

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