Amy Sprole, MD


Sep 21, 2024

After two separate procedures at this practice (1 original and 1 supposedly to correct the original), my nasal dysfunction is now much worse than what I started with... to the point that breathing through my nasal passages is often not possible. My concerns were dismissed after many follow up appointments although the issues were blatantly obvious to the two surgeons outside of this practice who I’ve consulted. If the surgery was out of the practice’s league they had an ethical obligation to refer me to someone who could provide a higher level of care. To give you an idea of the approach this practice took, I was an insurance patient and my insurance wouldn’t cover the second procedure that was “supposedly to correct the first” so they pressured me to undergo a nasal fat graft from my stomach under an awake-type of sedation because it would be less costly to them. I could feel everything, a needle being shoved under the tissue all along the ridge of my nose, scraping up against cartilage, and I sometimes still have nightmares relating to this. They even forgot to put a stitch in one of my graft incisions so it healed in a deformed, open way with much granulation tissue. Even getting my operative record was incredibly troublesome and they delayed and made excuses for not providing it to me. As I mentioned before, I’ve since consulted two surgeons including a nationally recognized expert cosmetic/reconstructive surgeon and he was dismayed by the condition I was left in. I am looking at having to get bone grafting done at this point. The best I can say is the front office staff and nurses were kind. I would never recommend this facility to anyone considering their services.

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