Richard Silverman, MD


Sep 22, 2024

I met with Dr. Silverman for removal of pubescent gynecomastia after learning of his reputation as one of the most seasoned surgeons for this procedure. He is very empathetic towards the psychological burden that comes with bearing breast tissue as an otherwise healthy male. All my concerns regarding scarring, individual needs, potential complications, recovery time etc. were met with careful reassurance. The vast number of patients he has treated provides him with a thorough, experience-based understanding of the condition that most other general plastic surgeons would not possess.

Despite arriving 30 minutes late to the surgical center, Dr. Silverman was cordial and put my mind at ease prior to receiving anesthesia. Post operative pain was manageable and resolved quickly. After several days I could remove the compression vest. I was met with a decade's worth of relief upon looking down at a perfectly flat chest. Within one week I was back to training and could perform direct chest exercises just another week after that. This rate of recovery is not typical and can be attributed to the grace of the surgeon as well as severity of the condition. There was minor unilateral swelling one week post-op which has almost entirely dissipated. No complications after six months and the final result is aesthetic beyond what I imagined. Big thank you to Dr. Silverman, as well as his surgical coordinator, Coco, who was extremely helpful and responsive throughout the entire process! I would highly recommend them for anyone in New England dealing with gynecomastia

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