Michael Henry, MD


May 19, 2024

I was told by an optometrist 4 years ago that my hooded or droopy eyelids were beginning to affect my eyesight & that I should inquire about eyelid lift surgery. I have had a lot of sadness...loss...& hardship in recent Years. I am also tired of people commenting about my "sad" eyes or asking what's wrong?
I went to Eye Surgical over a month ago. Dr. Confirmed I needed a lift on the outer brows. As I was whisked away by their financial gal...she told me I'd have to pay, because my insurance wouldn't cover the procedure. She was then corrected & informed that my insurance Does cover it.
Was she trying to double dip? Charge me & bill the insurance? Anyway...I was told it would be submitted & I would be notified a week later so they could schedule my surgery for most likely late August.
After no feedback, I tried to inquire about when I could have surgery. I was told that it was submitted & they were waiting for an approval. Today, I found out from Jasmine, that it hasn't even been submitted yet. She also broke the news to me that I'll probably have to pay out of pocket.
Needless to say....I'm disappointed for 2 reasons. #1-my eyes are tired & my eyesight is hindered. #2-I was looking forward to a pick-me-up.
I believe if I was illegal or a foreigner...I would have had the red carpet rolled out for me; seeing as %95 of the patients & much of the staff were Hispanic. Seems like reverse discrimination to me & that since I'm White, they just assumed I have a silver spoon in my mouth. Thanks a lot for stringing me along & thanks for nothing!

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