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Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement in Sioux City, Iowa

Hormone levels decrease with age. Fortunately, bio-identical hormone replacement helps rebalance your body to increase energy, enhance memory, improve heart health, strengthen bones, and give you a more youthful appearance.

What is Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

It’s no secret that, as we age, our bodies start to run a little slower. This is partially due to the decrease in our natural hormone levels.

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While traditional hormone replacement therapies have fallen flat in the past, there have been many advances in hormone treatments. Modern approaches include FDA-approved bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) that helps reduce difficult symptoms of menopause and low testosterone with fewer unwanted side effects.

The secret behind BHRT is the chemical makeup. Unlike other synthetic hormone replacement therapies, BHRT most closely match our body’s natural hormones. This provides relief from symptoms caused by low hormones without any of the unwanted side effects that are typically associated with traditional hormone therapy treatments.

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Benefits of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

BHRT improves your health overall.

The North American Menopause Society recommends BHRT for women to improve their overall health, and BHRT is proving beneficial for men, as well. BHRT helps relieve symptoms of hormonal imbalances in men and women, including: Hot flashes, Night sweats, Mood changes, Memory loss, Weight gain, Sleep issues, Loss of interest in sex, Pain during sex.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Options

Bio-identical hormones are the most chemically-identical substances to the hormones that occur naturally in the human body.

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Levels of our natural hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, decrease with age, and the use of bio-identical hormones as part of a prescribed hormone replacement therapy helps restore healthy hormone levels. Men and women who use BHRT often report having more energy, as well as better memory, improved heart health, stronger bones, and a more youthful appearance.

Estrogen is present in women in three forms: estradiol, estrone, and estriol. Introducing a bio-identical form of these hormones into the body can treat menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. BHRT may also reduce the risk of coronary artery disease and osteoporosis. Estrogen not only supports overall physical health, but may also improve psychological well-being by reducing instances of anxiety, depression, and mood swings.

Testosterone is a hormone that is typically associated with men. It is most often linked to sex drive and sperm production, but testosterone is also responsible for other physical characteristics, such as increased muscle mass, facial hair, and fat storage. Low testosterone levels are associated with loss of muscle mass, decreased libido, poor red blood cell production, and poor bone density. Testosterone also helps improve mental and emotional health by reducing the onset of depression, anxiety, and irritability.

Progesterone is a hormone that helps balance the effects of estrogen. While progesterone typically helps regulate the menstrual cycle and preparing the uterus for pregnancy, low levels may result in headaches, migraines, and overall disrupted mental health. Replenishing progesterone helps relieve hormone-related mood swings, deter weight gain, restore libido, and reduce risk for breast fibrocystic disease and osteoporosis.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) helps to protect against age-related illnesses and plays a key role in increasing sexual arousal, mental and physical capacity, bone density, fat-free mass, IGF-1, and insulin sensitivity. People typically hit their peak in DHEA production around the age of 20, after which levels begin to deplete by about 10% every 10 years. By the time men and women are in their 70s, DHEA levels may only be about 10% to 20% of levels earlier in life. Replenishing DHEA helps with symptoms of andropause and menopause. Healthy DHEA levels also improve the lining of the coronary arteries, and this may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Pregnenolone is an important hormone in the body that serves many purposes. Typically referred to as the "precursor" hormone, pregnenolone is one of the starting materials that aids in the production of other vital hormones, such as testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. As a supplement, pregnenolone may improve memory, reduce stress, decrease arthritis inflammation, and boost overall mood. Pregnenolone supplements may also improve the production and absorption of other hormones.

Melatonin’s main function is to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. As we get older, melatonin production often decreases, and the body’s natural sleep rhythm is disrupted by insomnia. Melatonin therapy may provide a more restful sleep. Secondary benefits are immunity and reduced stress. Melatonin also helps break the cycle of insomnia and chronic fatigue, helping men and women improve their overall mental health and wellbeing.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men

While men don’t experience menopause, they do experience a decrease in their hormone production as they age. The reduction of testosterone and other vital hormones is typically referred to by professionals as andropause or low T.

Men generally see a slight decrease in their hormone production by the age of 30 and may start seeing signs of andropause by the time they reach 50 years old. Common signs of andropause or low testosterone include mood swings, loss of muscle mass, irritability, insomnia, chronic fatigue, and weight gain around the midsection.

With the help of BHRT, men can expect a change in their physical health, as well as a positive change in their mental health. This is due to the balancing of hormones, such as melatonin, pregnenolone, and testosterone. Men who start hormone replacement therapy may see improvement in their symptoms within just two weeks of treatment. Full results may take only six to eight weeks.

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Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women

Women typically see changes in their hormones throughout their life, with the largest changes occurring with the onset of puberty and menopause. Women over the age of 50 typically start seeing the signs of menopause as the menstrual cycle ends. Common symptoms of menopause include chronic fatigue, hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, weight gain around the midsection, and mood swings.

BHRT helps smooth the transition into the next stage of life. By replenishing natural hormones with a chemically-identical supplement, women may start seeing improvement in their symptoms of menopause within just two to three weeks. In addition to improving their overall physical health, hormone replacement therapy may help a woman’s mental wellbeing. 

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Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Weight Loss

Unwanted weight gain is one of the most challenging side effects of menopause, andropause, and low testosterone levels. Men and women find that they have unexplained weight gain, and losing weight is far more difficult, even with proper diet and exercise. This is because the hormones in the body are below healthy levels, and your metabolism slows down.

Men and women who undergo treatment with BHRT may lose weight. This is considered a secondary benefit of BHRT, as the therapy is not intended to be used as a weight loss solution.

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Frequently asked questions

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement

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  • What Can I Expect from Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

    BHRT may be prescribed as a cream, gel, patches, injections, or implanted pellets. The method of delivery depends on several factors, such as your body’s natural absorption of the hormones and your lifestyle. Most men and women typically start seeing results within two to three weeks, with optimal results after eight weeks.

    There is a risk of side effects with BHRT, such as weight gain, bloating, mood swings, acne, and fatigue. The side effects are most often associated with the body adjusting to new hormone levels. As with any hormone replacement therapy, there is the possibility of increased risks of blood clots, stroke, gallbladder disease, and breast cancer. It is imperative that you discuss your medical history and needs with your physician.

  • Is Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe?

    Yes, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is a very safe and effective way for men and women to treat symptoms of menopause or andropause. Look for high-quality bio-identical hormone supplements that are chemically identical to the hormones that are naturally produced by the human body.

  • How Much Does Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Cost?

    Because BHRT is personalized to a person’s individual hormone levels, the cost varies greatly. Discuss BHRT with an experienced medical practitioner to determine the correct combination and dosing.

  • Am I a Good Candidate for Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement?

    BHRT has helped many men and women who live with symptoms of menopause, low T, and andropause, such as migraines, insomnia, low sex drive, dry skin, mood swings, depression, and other issues. Ideal candidates for BHRT are in good general health and have realistic expectations of their potential results. BHRT may not be recommended for women with a history of breast or ovarian cancers.

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