Perry Liu, Dr


Nov 22, 2024

I am writing to express my disappointment and frustration with the service my friend received from this clinic. My friend had a canceled procedure at Avant Aesthetics with Dr Liu, and was promised a refund. However, it has been several months since the promise was made, and the clinic has not fulfilled its obligation to issue the refund.
I had helped my friend in attempts to contact your clinic multiple times but has received no response. This lack of communication and failure to follow through on promises is unacceptable and has caused significant stress and inconvenience to my friend. She has come to me various times, and I can see how stressful this issue had impacted her.

As a customer, we expect a certain level of service and professionalism from such highly acclaimed clinic. The failure to fulfill the promise of a refund and lack of communication is not only unprofessional but also unethical.

Jia Yang google_place