Khashayar Mohebali, Dr


Oct 22, 2024

Please listen
Mohebali does what he wants and does not consider or take your opinion about your own body. Seriously

he is very bad on areolas. If you want to have one big Ariola, and one small one go to mochabeli

I’m not the only one
I even referred somebody to him, and she had to go to a different doctor to redo her areola‘s and nipples,

then he tried to sell me a filler to put in my rib cage
total junk but the important thing is he said you’ve got to come three times so we would’ve made another $30,000 on me.

I finally went up to Napa and went to a wonderful girl Paula at Dr. Brett Snyders and she did this blood from your own body stem cell and broke up all the scar tissue from mochabeli and I have no pain finally after six years .

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